you were warned about places like these
you've learned
to fake it well
over the years
but you can tell
by the looks on
all the faces
around the bar
you may have
bitten off more
than you can
chew with this
these occasions
call for the liquor
kept under lock
and key
the stuff that can
make you blind
if you drink too
no one wants to
see an ass whipping
coming anyway
J.J. Campbell (1976 - ?)
lives and writes on a farm in Brookville, Ohio. He's been widely
published over the years, most recently in The Camel Saloon, ZYX,
Boyslut, ART:Mag, and Zygote in My Coffee. His first full length
collection of poems, Sofisticated White Trash, was recently published by Interior Noise Press. You can find J.J. most days on his highly entertaining blog, evil delights ( ).
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