Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Learnmore Edwin Zvada- A Poem

Learnmore Edwin Zvada is a poet from Zimbabwe. He fell in love with poetry at a tender age . Some of his poems have appeared in online magazines, namely, The Literary Yard, Tuck Magazine, Duane’s PoeTree, POEBITA Poetry Magazine, Whispers and Napalm and Novocain. At the present moment, he is working on his first poetry book.

Broken Soul

You can tell from the way he plods
Shuttling between the banks of withering dreams
Head bowed low, shoulders hanging in surrender
Shrugged like an old spider as he reflects on life’s misfortunes
With eyes that never smile
Only teary and heavily saddened
Cowering in sheds of blanched skin   
It’s a journey of a lost soul
Whose hope is dying on him
Dreams mutating into ghosts that man the night
Hunting him down for pain that never ends
But you can tell from the way his story reads off his eyes
That there was once a man of substance
One who knew no failure or misfortune 
A giant on whose shoulders rose the vertically challenged
The advocate who stood for the weak and the victimised 
But now you see him filing toward his grave
Shriveling into a distance he can’t process
A denunciation of principles vented by mysterious macabre
Then you wonder what could have gone wrong to topple such a figure
But such is life, you somehow observe
Maybe in each of humankind there is a brokenness
And if that stitch is not sewn in time
Such a path will be trodden more often than not

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