John Pursch lives in Tucson, Arizona. Twice nominated for Best of
the Net, his work has appeared in many literary journals. His first
book, Intunesia, is available at spotlight/whiteskybooks. Check out his experimental lit-rap video at watch?v=l33aUs7obVc. He’s @johnpursch on Twitter and john.pursch on Facebook.
Imperative of
The taste of sweat,
vision of the statuesque
through louvered wooden door,
brooding penetrating gaze divine
in quiet counterpoint to evening’s
raucous acceleration into springtime.
Balancing descent from unity
to thundering dichotomies
in tree-line ripple radio
to naked jungle swivel hips
of debutantes on autopilot,
urban flywheel sloshing into
downtown cabbie surcease,
fleeting recognition damped
to coiled imperative of night.
A poet feeling like a castaway in visionary times.