Thursday, April 7, 2016

Jonathan Beale- Three Poems

Finding words - finding lyrics

  1. After ‘in Defence Allusion’ by Robert Pinsky

Of the allusive to deflect Shakespeare
His tremble – helpless refugee
Feeding by expression

From the French – they say
That religion is a terrible thing
Sometimes it means a great crusade

Doubtless it didn’t mean to allude
Richard and several bishops
Got lost in Jerusalem’s gutters

Run bloody - in everything
A ghostly gesture from a Catholic solider
Trundled along fed on grubs

Grown brutal - the fantasies
Who was brilliant at French?
Seen on summer through the allusion 

What?  – Unconscious – humming
Breeding like rats as starlings in America
Because man wanted a bird

They drive they drive
In the worlds rivalrous web
Of propagating shadows 

Sunday nights

The vineyard that leads to the fruit
that draws to world misconception
Being lost in the basement the windowed.

Boxes from Euclidean beginnings.
There are too many yet to come –
in this kingdom of individuals -

As they dance between us –
in a joyful need to exist among the dawn mists
making our future and meagre existence

A Vision of Barcelona by a distant lover

Her moon; under her old cloth and laced face
By the wheeling monstrance of the sun.
Air and love.  The balance keeps her child forever
Today, as every god wants to feel their dust
in their toes along with their children’s voices
in their ears. And tasting its tapas,
drink to its women, worshipping its poets. 
As they wake (on this morn).
To a new fresh moon. Watching the oceans
woven silver gleam. That never fades.   

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan Beale has visionary poems, congrats, for your
    metaphysical allusions.
