Friday, March 11, 2016

Rose Mary Boehm- Three Poems

Bio:A German-born UK national, Rose Mary Boehm lives and works in Lima, Peru. Author of two novels and a full-length poetry collection (TANGENTS) published in 2011 in the UK, her work has been widely published in US poetry reviews (online and print). One of her poems was chosen for Diane Lockward’s 'The Crafty Poet'. She won third price in in the 2009 'Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse' (US), was semi-finalist in the 'Naugatuck Poetry Contest' 2012/13 and has been a finalist in several Goodreads poetry contests, winning it twice: in October 2014 and January 2016; a new poetry collection is in pre-production for publication in the US in about May/June.

Another ordinary story

Spring, it seems, has changed
its mind. Like a disenchanted lover.
Pink, white, purple and tender greens
encased in winter-hardened water
topped with powdered sugar.
Fulgent in that white winter sun.

One harsh spring morning you
turned. No last glistening glory,
no last display of what
could have been.

Opposite feet

Lima, Peru,
antipodean to
Bangkok, Thailand.
Lima. Gentle girls.
They find you.
Mi amor. Mi rey.
Want to be happy?

A tunnel would be leading
from Lima’s Plaza de Armas
down, down, long maa
straight to Bangkok.

To Pat Phong and the girl
who can blow.
Smoke rings down under.
Dollars, dollars.
Want to be happy?

In America everything
so big, no?
Oh my! pút-tôh!

The only constant

The east wind brings cold
from the Russian steppes
just as Djingis Khan once drove
all before him. The white sharp

veil of the mountain ridge
lifts and moves at speed
towards me. Meets with the white
below. Its long white arms
don't reach. Newspapers

stuffed into my brother’s boots
warm my feet. The rest of me
leans into the cold. I call
it as the torero calls the bull,
Hey, hey, toro! and move towards it
defiantly, seducing icy air into loving me
or I shall break.

Head bent towards my chest
I move against the harshness
of the break between, the violence
of icicle hands finding purchase
under my threadbare coat.

That winter I learned
that everything must change.



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