Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Daniel Klawitter- A Poem

The Poem behind the Poem
What I want is to become the poem
that is at the poet’s end. –Ko Un.
I live in between the black ink
and white spaces of the page.
Your fingers graze the surface—
and I tremble. I can be as pliable
as a pillow, or stiff as steel.
Everything you feel I feel.
In the absence and lack I lurk—
The poem behind the poem.
And I am willing to work
on our relationship.  I am a mind
waiting to meet you.  I am nothing
without your gaze.  Can you see me?
Not yet?  No worries.  I am patient.
Read on and be amazed. 
About The Author:
Among other things, Daniel has been an actor, the lead singer/lyricist for the Indie rock band Mining for Rain (www.miningforrain.com), and a union organizer for teachers and mental health care workers.  His poems have appeared widely in journals and magazines, both online and in print, in Australia, the UK, and the U.S.  He has also read his work on live public radio as a guest poet on The Poetry Show at krfc 88.9 in Ft. Collins, CO.  He is the author of the full-length poetry collection, A Poet Playing Doctor, from White Violet Press/Kelsay Books (Fall, 2015): http://www.amazon.com/Poet-Playing-Doctor-Daniel-Klawitter/dp/0692529241


  1. Spaced between courting behind the lines of his poetry
    and his love of imagery and personal and casual narrative speech of a clear tone of lyrical language.

  2. Beautiful poem behind the poem! I see you.
