Sunday, May 3, 2015

Robert Hrdina- Three Poems


… and then we see the hereafter …

No grass, no trees, no butterflies
No alley of light, no life at the speed of
Light reeling off like a fast-backward film

It’s like a pint of Guinness
Cold as ice

Without the creamy head


I thought your lips were cold
As fogged windscreens
Redolent of algae and salt
But they are warm, almost tender
Not putrid at all

Selkies choose their own company
Sometimes their own for company
You breathe and devour life
Like myself
A myth baptised in sepia ink

“Time is irrelevant to angels”
Random words from a hungry mouth
As I, numb and bewildered, leave
The dank quarters of a livid sea
Longing for the company of ghosts


That withered old woman is still there
Desperate for company, a soul to talk to
Her lips distorted by cream and sugar
Her dying face blurred by the evening sun
She mourns the non-existence of her offspring

Sadness has a name
With tears in weary eyes
All those wars
All those deaths

Only herself

And the key to a locker
in Bergen-Belsen

ROBERT HRDINA, born 1967, studied at Regensburg and Trinity College, Dublin. A former infantry officer, barman and lecturer in Business English, he currently works as a university department secretary. Publications include (ÉIRE) Books Ireland, (UK) orbis, Poetry Manchester, Psychopoetica, Purple Patch, Retort, Roadworks, STAND, Unhinged, (USA) Aura, Luna Negra, Verse.

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