The rope, its twisted
beige fibers whose edges
Unraveled into string
spirals and caught sunlight
Became dazzling bright and
by wind was broken
Into pinpoints of dancing
lights that sparkled
And silvered the air, was
more interesting
To my childhood life than
the passing parade.
The rope tied around
green, the lichen, on trees,
Was stretched to keep
excited crowd on sidewalk.
My aunt, a slave
mentality, had pulled
Me to the parade as she did
not have any insight
Into the reality of
particularized, singular,
Individual life, thought
everyone was the same
As the majority, the
collective, and would find joy
Behind the ropes. I enjoyed watching the sunlight
Streak the rope more than
the passing parade.
The rope was the same
height as my eyes.
And it split the parade
into two parts.
Above the rope was
sequin-spattered blonde wigs,
And beneath the rope was
commonplace automobile tires.
On the boring floats white-gloved
hands threw
Out cheap, gaudy, garish,
ugly beads.
People around me was very
excited to grab
This tossed trash. I did not want the junk.
I began at an early to
suspect the validity
Of all adult axiology, did
not want to imitate fools.
As a child, I never
To be one of the
collective, the crowd,
A slave mentality.
I then was not understood
by anyone, and now I think my current poems
Are not understood by
As child I was actively
opposed to the activities and axiologies
Of the children in my
Also, I was actively
opposed to the beliefs, values, and life styles
Of the adults.
I found other joys than
the joys of the neighbor children.
The other children
Were spinning tops to
split open another’s top,
Shooting marbles to win
the marbles of others,
Hoping in squares scribbled in chalk on sidewalk to
brag about winning.
Lager boys were beating up
and humiliating smaller boys.
All the children seemed
like psychopaths, even more so when
They imitated their
Some read dirty comics,
Blondie and Dagwood, their favorite.
Some planned the game of
shop-lifting from dime stores.
The males’s ambitions were
to become professional baseball players.
Each boy was trying to
learn how to throw curves and screwballs.
The females aspired to grow up lasciously and trap a rich
man for a husband.
Their chief entertainments
were B-movies and canvas tent revival meeting.
Billy Sunday sliding on
And the Radio: Amos and Andy, the Hit parade of popular
Any kind of program that
had hillbillies.
Gangsters and crminals, like Al Capone, Lucy Luciano,
were the adults’ heroes
And became role models for
the children.
Comic strips also
embellished their lives, Popeye, Dick Tracy, Buck Rogers,
Mutt and Jeff.
I preferred other joys.
One of my joys was to
visit the dry gray surface of a mudflat by mangroves.
The mud was cracked
irregularly, eccentrically, excited with it difference
From Euclid, was not
boring like the geometric squares of sidewalks.
One of my spots of time,
my epiphanies, my raptures was when I peeped
Into a wider mud crack and
saw two brown snakes spiraled in sleep.
The varied browns of their
bodies were exquisite.
When a child, forced to
attend first grade,
I often ran away from
I hid in bamboo.
The bamboo surrounded and
hide a private
Insane asylum for
I could hear the children
talking, usually echolalia,
To their rich parents who
were not present,
The parents who pretended
the insane children
Did not exist.
I received my early
education by listening
To the voices of insane
The children often spoke
of how their parents loved them,
As they tore apart the expensive
toys sent.
Duane Locke, PH. D, lives hermetically in Tampa, Florida near anhinga, gallinules, raccoons, alligators. Has had published 6,971 different poems, none self-published or paid to be published. This includes 33 books of poems.
His latest book publications are DUANE LOCKE, THE FIRST DECADE, 1968-1978 (First 11 Books—Order from publisher Bitter Oleander Press or AMAZON---YANG CHU’S POEMS,
Forthcoming 2015: VISIONS from KIND OF HURRICANE PRESS. Nov. 2015: TERRESTRIAL ILLUMINATIONS, SECOND SELECTION (Sorties) from Hidden Clearing Books
100’S of his poems can be found by clicking Duane Locke on GOOGLE.
He is a photographer of Surphotos and Nature. Has had 545 photos published,
Some as book covers. A book of 40 of his surphotos has been published by BLAZE VOX, POETIC IMPRINTS, RESPONSES TO THE ART OF DUANE LOCKE, by Connie Stadler and Felino Soraino.
His paintings have been described in Gary Monroe’s EXTRAORDINARY INTERPRETITONS, published by University of Florida Press, and are in many private collections and museums.
He is a student of philosophy—favorites: Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze...
Thank you.