Monday, May 2, 2016

Scott Thomas Outlar- Three Poems

Kill the Lights
They said the Revolution
will not be televised

so these rioters
destroying their community
must not represent
the future

and these rallies
put on by politicians
must not hold
the power

When the media goes black
close your eyes and cut to salvation

Come and Conquered
We have come
for your women and children.

We have come
for your silver and gold.

We have come
for your oil and opium.

We have come
with a pretense of peace
to bring hell upon your land.

We have come
with a pillar of salt.

We have come
with a manifest destiny
to shove down your throat.

We have come
to suck dry your land
and then leave it behind
as an arid desert for you to perish upon.

We have come
as wolves in sheep’s clothing

We have come
with smiling faces,
crossed fingers,
and bombs strategically held behind our backs.

We have come
with banks
to pilfer everything you’ve worked for.

We have come
with mercury for your shots,
pesticide for your food,
smog for your air,
and a cross for you to bear and bow down before.

We have come
with our program of chaos
and promises of a New Order.

We have come
with our machines
to welcome in a future
where humanity is obsolete.

We have come
with our blueprint
for a One World Revelation Kingdom.

We have come
with our televised frequencies
to keep your revolution in a trance.

We have come
with our marketing campaign
to make you feel inept and worthless.

We have come
and conquered
while you slept in apathy.

“Come and Conquered” originally appeared in Dissident Voice

Levee Breach
It’s one thing not to cry
when the milk spills;

but when the cookie crumbles, too,
what else is a man to do?

Scott Thomas Outlar hosts the site where links to his published poetry, fiction, essays, and interviews can be found. His chapbook "Songs of a Dissident" was released in 2015 through Transcendent Zero Press and is available on Amazon. His poetry collections "Chaos Songs" (Longsword Press) and "Happy Hour Hallelujah" (CTU Publishing) are both forthcoming in 2016.


  1. Scott Thomas Outlar is a GREAT POET!! I really enjoyed these three poems, as I always enjoy his work!!
