Thursday, May 12, 2016

B.Z. Niditch- Three Poems


Hearing you are searching
for an exiled nest
like a slate roof vagrant
migrating with a seasoned destiny
but with no one but my ex
a Vermont ornithologist 
to take you in,
perhaps people think 
was a bit eccentric
wishing she was up
on the Evergreen
with his own calendar
and language,
perhaps will recognize you
by scavenger birds
jumping over hills
or at intersections
of the winding sky
but I am only a prayerful poet
who receives an anonymous
poison pen letter
from a callous neighbor
telling me my affections
should be put elsewhere
not on any bird branch
in her better crawl space
as my ex leaves me
for a veterinarian.


A shelter of silence
behind the trees first light
it's spring vacation
and we're watching
a migrating bird nests
by twigs and motionless wings,
my friend Donna
has an evening agenda planned
full of charades
and whether asks me to play
my soprano sax
or on my jazz fiddle
Donna is drawing ink portraits
of me on a hammock
it's still a mind bender for her
to record my music poems
as insomniacs wake up
a Big Apple high rise
in Manhattan.


Waiting on dunes
near the shore's island ferry
of an ever fleeting
sail over the Atlantic
by the sighs mirror
of the sea and sun,
as you read my poetry
as mayflies are with me
sailing on windy clouds
across an ocean's tide,
as out of breath 
of a poet's words.

B.Z. NIDITCH is a poet, playwright, and fiction writer.

His work is widely published in journals and magazines throughout the world, including: Columbia: A Magazine of Poetry and Art; The Literary Review; Denver Quarterly; Hawaii Review; Le Guepard (France); Kadmos (France); Prism International; Jejune (Czech Republic); Leopold Bloom (Hungary); Antioch Review; and Prairie Schooner, among others. His newest poetry collection, "Everything, Everywhere," will be available from Penhead Press in September.

He lives in Brookline, Massachusetts.

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