Wednesday, February 3, 2016

B.Z. Niditch- Three Poems


On our houseboat
my girlfriend whispers to me
in a cold breath of the wind
the weather is not with us
as the wind lashes us
I'm asking in prayer to let us
to profess our safety
or at least in memory
to turn back 
over hundred days ago
among the sunshine's glances
of the mild waves
now time disquiets an anchor,
my girlfriend in furtive glances
drops a poison pill of fear on me,
yet the once capsized sailboat flag
is still raised over dazzling
feathery river run waters 
we still warmly embrace
though hostage to a storm
on a canvas in our life raft,
as a seagull screams out
delivered in the home harbor
we were as two hostages
and prisoners
resting for a moment
under the stars
to say a whispering prayer.


Over the walled castle
by the city's shelter
near the sea board canal
before Valentine's day
my love poem passed me by
taking this scrawled message
as a sign and high water mark 
for my day's urban read
resolving not to think about it
when a dark runaway desire
forgets all my burnt out
cold relationships and affairs
always seasonally resurface
like a bad nightmare
evinces the back of my memory
by evocative flash of poisons
that a girlfriend confronts me with
with endless doctored up
love sick conquest reports
that never happened
sees me and waves goodbye
near my anchored kayak
wounded by wintry storms
and after the make up
and make believe sparkles
from my sea going eyes
with intimations of the future
of those love sick times
in venture I look back
for a lighthouse of God
who rescue and saved me.


In prayer at a storm
from deeply grey distant night
by the edge of the sea
when my life
should have been
had at a good time,
yet from my midnight diary
of hedging concern of winds
coming in on our back
we were expecting anything
with the constant rush
of adventurous tourists
with their vacation maps
in hand,
no one on land noticed
we are by a reading lamp
saved by an understood miracle
as we held a candle
which would keep us alive.

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