Frog and Toad
He was a sickly child,
With a weakness that attracted
Bullies and superior small minds.
While others developed arm muscles, he
Developed tall stories to enthrall and
Tickle the bigger minds
With metaphors of Universal struggles.
And then he grew into an odd couple found on
Many childhood bookshelves,
Imagining into reality a book of friendship between
Two aspects of himself, into
Practical and sensible Frog paired with
Emotional and tempestuous Toad.
As my own child learns to read Lobel's books,
Laughing at Frog and Toad's silly adventures,
I hang onto each simple word that brings me to
Deeper insights on human nature.
Brief Bio: I often feel like a gazelle as I leap from hilltop to hilltop.
On one of these hills I recently published my memoir, my spiritual journey from the hills of one land to another:
One of my poems based on this book was featured in the fall edition of Poetica Magazine.
I have also published stories and poetry in other various publications like Pyrokinection, Green Panda Press, Deronda Review, Jellyfish Whispers, UFO Gigolo, Stepping Stones, Aish, IJN and Esra Magazine.
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