you caught me
pretending i'm
good enough to
be remembered
that i'm worth
a few moments
of your time
your thoughts
a brief pause
a gentle crease
in the fabric
of time
though, given
how the rest of
my life has gone
i won't trouble
you any longer
J.J. Campbell (1976 - ?)
is some hack that dares to call himself a poet. Much to his horror, he's
giving up his farm life for a life in suburbia once again. Somehow,
he's been widely published over the years, most recently at Horror
Sleaze Trash, The Camel Saloon, Midnight
Lane Boutique, ZYX, and Raw Dog Press. You'll find this asshole most
days bitching about things only he cares about on his blog, evil
delights ( ).
Excellent. As usual. J.J. rules!