Saturday, August 10, 2013

Jason Constantine Ford- Three Poems


I reach out my hand and grasp the empty air
Without being able to find where you are.
Within this darkness, I almost feel despair
Until I hear your voice from place afar.
Although your words are entering my ears
And easing the load of my current fears,
The darkness has shrouded your features
And mine and left us as wandering creatures.
No form of light is penetrating your skin
Nor my own as we walk without direction.
Each thought of hope is becoming thin
As curse of darkness feels like an infection.
Not a word you speak, reveals where you stand
As fears of remaining lost now expand.

The Muse: An International Journal of Poetry, issn: 2249 - 2178, Volume 3, June 2013, Number 1

Eclipse at the Gates

Denial walks from place to place
Without a sense of grave disgrace
From keeping lips which never talk.

The men renowned for hiding face
With veils denying any trace
Of what is real, begin to walk.

A book of lies is being carried
Upon the backs of men married
To form of creed which oscillates.

Shadows are passing through the street
With steps which now complete

The final stage of reaching gates.

The Summer Edition of the Editor's Circle of Poetry Magazine, Volume XVIII, Number 2 under Jason Constantine Ford

Thoughts Following a Storm

After the raging storm has calmed unto a state
Where I am standing safe, secure, away from harm,
The waves are tamed with gentleness which I equate
With soothing scent of nard and feel of healing balm.

Although the waves no longer crash against the shore
With power that exceeds the strength of many hands,
Fragments of intellect of mine remain unsure
Concerning matters that I fail to understand.

Shall raging storm return as coming back to life
And spread a trail of fear among a people blind?
Am I a dreamer who attempts to think of strife

Which only seems to breath inside my mind?

The Summer Edition of the Editor's Circle of Poetry Magazine, Volume XVIII, Number 2 under Jason Constantine Ford

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