Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Alan Catlin- Two Poems

                                    Never the Same Father Twice

                                    "She has a new baby every
                                    fifteen months whether she
                                    needs one or not, all of 23,
                                    four kids already & another
                                    on the way, says, "A girl's
                                    got to have some company
                                    when her man is away."
                                    indicating that they were
                                    doing hard time in a place
                                    where the only women allowed
                                    were matrons, lawyers &
                                    shrinks, none of whom got
                                    close enough to be touched-
                                    this getting locked up  a kind
                                    of bad habit her men always
                                    seemed to cultivate or else
                                    she just liked them lean &
                                    mean & horny which was
                                    short hand for crazy, oversexed
                                    and living out of desperation
                                    in a fast lane that always seemed
                                    to stop outside her door along
                                    with plain clothes cops, uniformed
                                    officers of the law, process servers,
                                    repo men, eviction notice carriers,
                                    rental furniture repossessors, none
                                    of whom she answers the door for,
                                    telling the kids to lie still and shut
                                    up or else-and they did knowing
                                    full well that her 'or else' worse
                                    that anything they could imagine,
                                    that could be pounding on the soon-
                                    to-be-padlocked front door.

To Hell in a Handbasket

At the recruiting office
they asked him straight out if
he was interested in becoming,
'A Rocket Technician'.
He thought about it for a full
ten seconds, liked the sound
of, 'A Rocket Technician, huh!?
"Sure, sign me up." Learned
Lesson Numero Uno of enlisted
life, Always Inquire what these
things mean before committing
yourself. Found out his job was
loading rockets onto gunships
and once they were secure,
he was to assume his primary
job function as a side-hatch-
gunner, firing support on missions.
Early on he heard the co-pilot take some
incoming, turned to look and caught
a round in the area where his right
eye used to be.  If he hadn't turned
just then, he would have caught that
round square in the temple and have
become a dead rocket technician/
side-gunner.  He went over to Nam
mostly crazy, came back all the way
crazy and a whole lot more. Sd. "My
duty was like going to hell in a hand-
basket" and looking at him now, you
figured, once he reached his destination,
there was no coming back.

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