Monday, September 26, 2011

Donal Mahoney- A Poem

The City Editor

Each morning,
he sits at his desk,
lights a cigar,
starts looking around

like a bear on a waterfall
looking for salmon. He growls
for raw copy, anything typed,
anything with errors in it.

Each day he comes to the office
honed to rectify wrongs.
Suffer the little stories
to come unto him.


Before computers were invented, Donal Mahoney worked as an editor for the The Chicago Sun-Times. During that era and since then, he has had poems published in The Wisconsin Review, The Kansas Quarterly, The South Carolina Review, The Beloit Poetry Journal, Commonweal Magazine, Catapult to Mars (Scotland), Public Republic (Bulgaria), Revival (Ireland), The Istanbul Literary Review (Turkey), The Camel Saloon, Dead Snakes and other publications. Revising poems on a computer, he says, beats the hell out of revising them on a typewriter.

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