marty comes walking back into the office
like he’s king of the world
he retired last month
talks about how great it’s going
but he’s already back for a visit
so how great can it really be?
they swarm him like he’s a rock star
everybody wanting a taste of the good life
which marty is happy to give to them
talking about his plans for a vacation to dublin
the jazz festival he played a week ago
he shows everyone the concert t-shirt
with his name on the back
says i finally found some fame at sixty-four
they fawn over him like he’s a greek god
even though not three months ago they were
stalking around the building
talking about how lazy marty is
wondering when he’s going to retire
and get out of their hair for good
absence makes the heart grow fonder, i’m told
from a jack to a king and other clichés
they laugh and joke with marty
love him now because they don’t have to see him every day
i stay away from the man
i didn’t like him then
and i’m not going to pretend to like him now
he sent some of my poems to human resources
trying to get me fired
accused me of being an anti-semite because i’m polish
and my head is shaved
so why pretend to be best buddies
because it’s the common thing to do
from my point of view
marty wasted twenty-seven years of his life in this place
with nothing to show for it
but one divorce and a row of yellow teeth
he looks like a wasted old prune whose life is on the clock
i envy him nothing
but the time he’ll have now
only because i know he’ll squander it on stupid shit
when i could turn it into magic
he’ll keep coming back to this place on a weekly basis
shooting his breeze
telling everyone how good he has it
and they’ll listen less and less
complain about how good old marty is always showing up
right at lunchtime
check their watches
and hope that he’s found something better to do
this thursday afternoon
than come waltzing into this place
the scene at cookie’s
we were both tired of being white
tired of punk rock
tattooed white idiots screaming into microphones
tired of summer nights in pittsburgh
we wandered down penn avenue
down to the black bar
because the music emanating from the place
was something that we both loved
and inside it was packed with bodies
jostling to music or just standing around
there were no white faces in the joint
just purple neon and joy
and this pleased us
so we went inside with our petty little fears
only it wasn’t like the movies
the music didn’t screech to a halt
no one turned our way
there were no rows of angry, suspecting faces
mad at us for killing their buzz, their good time
as we made our way toward the bar
just people singing along to d’angelo
and then tony toni tone
not an ounce of flaccid punk rock bravado in the joint
tattooed jackoffs screaming into microphones
no import beer
just budweiser in cold cans
which we drank at the bar
as nervous as two white boys in a black bar could be
but there was really nothing to be nervous about
just music and dancing
and conversation about another wasted pirates season
talk of the end of summer
talk of football
and we stood there decidedly white
decidedly not punk
when these two girls and a guy took pity on us
had us play darts with them
as tony toni tone morphed into blackstreet
morphed into johnny gill
and we looked at each other with wide eyes
because some bar was finally playing all of the music
that we listened to
in our white heads on black nights in the city
and the guy kept calling me ace ventura
his girlfriend said that he thought that i looked like jim
maybe i did
jim carrey was a fine thing to be on a summer night
playing darts and drinking beer in cookie’s clubhouse
jim carrey probably got a lot of pussy
without the perils of color and punk rock
and i remembered you turned to me and smiled
whispered how much you’d like to date the other girl
if only
if only what? i said back
forgetting what city we were in
what time and place
which is forever that time and place
in america.
my wife and i
watch a bad movie about shakespeare
we give it a half hour
before we shut it off
my wife is a fan of shakespeare
but i could give or take him
the movie we were watching
theorized that big willy never wrote his plays
that they were instead
written by the earl of oxford
that shakespeare never wrote his plays
is an old argument that scholars
and action film directors will keep having
until absolutely no one cares
what struck me was how this earl of oxford
could get away with it
at least in the bits that i saw, he did
how great it must’ve been to have lived
in total creative anonymity back then
without the internet to expose and scandalize
the people i work with looked me up
before i even started my job
they had me pegged and boxed
without my having said one word
and they’d been reading my poems for a year
before i found out
they still read my poems
only with not as much gusto as before
especially when people show up in the verse
who may or may not be them
then they get pissed at me and create drama
try and send my shit to human resources
i guess i miss being anonymous on the job
even on this small and petty scale
not having to dissect each bit of writing
so as not to offend
i miss coming in and being nothing but a worker for the day
going home and doing my writing
having no one be the wiser
even if it was only just an illusion to begin with
i suppose i could use a pseudonym
or stop writing about the job
but what would be the point now?
would if i could
i’d want to be like
the earl of oxford
sit in my regal little box at the globe
and let some fucking actor take all of the credit
for my work
while i and i alone
knew who was really
getting the words down.